Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
on March 29, 2010 3:17 PM | Permalink | Comments (46) | TrackBacks (0)
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1. I read in a magazine that an American airline lost one billion dollars since 9-11. Joseph Stiglitz wrote in a book that the Iraq war has cost the United States three trillion dollars. It must have cost the British and the others more billions.

2. Checking passengers at airports is now very stringent. Apart from inconveniencing travellers, the personnel and equipments cost billions. But every now and again a determined "terrorist" would break through. Besides examining shoes, now underwear has to be checked also.

3. But despite all these the fear of "terror attacks" has not abated. Nor has the war in Iraq and Afghanistan shown any sign of ending.

4. The terrorists may not have won but they have not lost either. The end is nowhere in sight. The cost is going up very rapidly. Even if the proposed attack against Iran does not take place, the Governments and the business commmunity in every country will suffer huge losses. So will people everywhere.

5. New weapons and equipment can be invented and developed. They will cost money again but it would take only one incident before there would be a scramble to counter the new methods of attack by the terrorists. Seems that all the sophisticated costly weapons invented and deployed have failed.

6. This state of affairs can go on and on. Short of killing all the Muslims in order to ensure that none of them would become "terrorists", I don't see how an end to terrorism can be achieved.

7. But we cannot do that can we? So what is the alternative? Well go for the root cause. Why are they doing these things, "terrorising" the world? The answer is that they feel a strong sense of injustice. Who are they? They are the people most affected; the Palestinians, Iraqis, Afghans, Syrians, Iranians. But there are also those who for various reasons sympathise with them; their co-religionists and many others.

8. All these people feel for the Palestinians' loss of their land, for the invasions and killings of Iraqis and Afghans, the ill-treatment of Muslims everywhere, their demonisation and the demonisation of their religion, their humiliation etc. etc.

9. Until the Palestinians regain their country, until Iraq and Afghanistan are freed of foreign occupation, until the oppression of the Muslim people stops, the attacks by the terrorists would go on, and fear of such attacks would remain.

10. Don't surrender to the terrorists! It would only encourage terrorism. But look at it from their angle. If they surrender to the seizure of their lands, to their oppression by their enemies, then they would be encouraging their enemies to continue the seizure of their land and their continued oppression.

11. The super powers need to try to look from the viewpoint of those they have labelled as terrorists also and not just from their own viewpoint.

12. Until then we are going to see lives being lost, people living in fear and trillions of dollars wasted on efforts which will yield no worthwhile result for years and years.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Krisis MCA: "Ong"kah Ong Lwn Ong?
A Kadir Jasin

[Komen menggunakan pengenalan anonymous TIDAK AKAN DILAYAN. Sila gunakan nama sebenar atau nama samaran. Jikalau menggunakan anonymous, sila nyatakan nama di penghujung komen. Ulasan yang mengandungi unsur fitnah, hasutan, perkauman dan bahasa kesat tidak akan disiarkan. Ulasan yang terkeluar daripada tajuk tidak akan diberi keutamaan.]

BEKAS Presiden MCA, Ong Ka Ting, dikatakan akan masuk gelanggang semula manakala Ong Tee Keat akan pertahankan jawatannya.

Gara-gara Ong Ka Ting lawan Ong Tee Keat ini cukup menarik. Peluang dan risiko sama besar dan sama berat.

Ong Tee Keat mustahil akan berpakat dengan bekas Timbalan Presiden, Dr Chua Soi Lek. Sebaliknya adalah pelik kalau Dr Chua Soi Lek tidak cuba rebut jawatan daripada Ong Tee Keat.

Ong Tee Keat dan Dr Chua musuh ketat. Dari awal lagi Ong Tee Keat tidak mahukan Dr Chua Soi Lek. Itulah pun punca pecah-belah dalam parti Cina Barisan Nasional itu.

Tetapi ada ura-ura yang dua musuh itu akan berpakat untuk menyekat Ong Ka Ting kalau dia benar-benar bertanding.

Soalnya, adakah perlawanan Ong dengan Ong ini akan membawa “ong” (tuah) kepada Persatuan Cina Malaysia atau memburukkan lagi nasib buruknya?

Ong Ka Ting kata, dia keluar daripada persaraan untuk menyelamatkan MCA. Ong Tee Keat kata, dia berhak mempertahankan jawatannya.

Ong Ka Chuan, saudara darah daging Ong Ka Ting kata, kepulangan saudara kandungnya itu meluaskan lagi pilihan perwakilan.

Soalnya, apakah akan muncul semula abang-adik Ka Ting dan Ka Chuan itu nanti akan menenteramkan keadaan atau menambah kekacauan?

Ong Ka Chuan tentu tidak mahu lepas peluang mengekang harapan Dr Chua Soi Lek yang mengalahkannya dalam pertandingan Timbalan Presiden dua tahun lalu.

Pepatah Cina berkata, tidak mungkin dua ekor harimau (jantan) boleh berkongsi sebuah bukit (melainkan di bukit kenang-kenangan macam Bukit Cina).

Menyebut Bukit Cina, teringat saya kepada Allahyarham datuk saya, seorang haji, yang menyertai perarakan jenazah kawan-kawan Cinanya atas semangat kejiranan dan kerakanan.

Dr Chua, yang tidak syak lagi harimau jantan hebat, tentu tidak akan membiarkan harimau lain berkongsi bukit dengannya.

Kalau ada calon yang layak menggunakan lambang harimau, orang itu tidak lain tidak bukan adalah Dr Chua dari Batu Pahat.

Meminjam ungkapan kegemaran Ali G (alter ego pelawak Inggeris, Baron Sasha Cohen) saya “respect” Dr Chua. Dalam bahasa basahan, kita kata tabik spring.

Apa tidaknya. Walaupun disekat dan disensasikan sebagai pelaku seks bebas, namun dia menang besar jawatan Timbalan Presiden pada tahun 2008.

Jadi, siapakah agaknya yang akan menjadi Wu Song, pembunuh harimau tersohor dalam cerita rakyat Cina, untuk menyembelih Dr Chua?

Sedikit lagi mengenai Wu Song. Walaupun dia seorang pemabuk, tetapi hatinya mulia. Selain membunuh harimau, dia juga membunuh kakak ipar dan kekasih kakak iparnya bagi membela kematian abangnya yang dikhianati.

Ironinya, kerana wira rakyat macam Wu Songlah, hampir habis harimau di Negeri China dibunuh dan dimakan. Menurut stesen televisyen Discovery Channel, tidak sampai 50 ekor harimau liar tinggal di Negeri China.

Harimau dilindungi di Negeri China manakala undang-undang sedang diperkenalkan untuk mengharamkan anjing dan kucing daripada dijadikan makanan.

Berbalik kepada pertandingan baru MCA, ramalan oleh akhbar Nanyang Siang Pau meletakkan Dr Chua di hadapan Ong Tee Keat dan Ong Ka Ting. Pemecahan undi 2,400 perwakilan oleh dua Ong diramalkan memberi kelebihan kepada Dr Chua.

Soalnya, bolehkah sesiapa pun yang memenangi pertandingan tiga penjuru ini menjadi presiden yang kuat, dihormati dan boleh menyatupadukan semula MCA atau parti itu akan berpecah tiga?

MCA memerlukan kepemimpinan yang kuat dan dihormati kawan serta lawan. Pencabar MCA adalah DAP dan sedikit sebanyak, PKR.

Perbezaan antara MCA dengan DAP ialah MCA demokratik dan DAP autokratik. Lazimnya, parti Cina atau yang majoriti penyokongnya orang Cina lebih kuat apabila ketuanya autokratik macam Lim Kit Siang atau Lee Kuan Yew di Singapura.

Sebab itulah Negeri China bersedia membebaskan sistem ekonomi, tetapi tetap mempertahankan sistem satu parti. Pemimpin Singapura dan China sudah nampak betapa kacau-bilaunya Taiwan apabila didemokrasikan – bertumbuk dan berkuntau tidak habis-habis dalam Parlimen.

Situasi di Negeri China, 99 tahun selepas direpublikkan, masih jauh tersimpang daripada “Tiga Prinsip Rakyat” (Three Principles of the People) yang diidamkan oleh pengasasnya Dr Sun Yat-Sen iaitu nasionalisme, demokrasi dan kehidupan rakyat.
Posted by A KADIR JASIN at 12:42 PM 39 comments
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
on March 21, 2010 5:00 PM | Permalink | Comments (54) | TrackBacks (0)
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1. Many people think that as soon as you accept democracy, then you will be practising democracy.

2. Unfortunately mere acceptance is not enough. It is not enough because everyone, from the top most person to the ordinary people, be they from a political party or of a nation, can find ways to abuse and frustrate the true democratic process. As a result we see democracies failing to work in most organisations or political parties and in many nations.

3. Basically democracy is about giving power to the majority. It is assumed that the majority knows what is best for the whole. The minority should therefore be prepared to accept the rule of the majority albeit after presenting opposing views and criticisms. The minority must be prepared to wait for the next election in order to make another bid.

4. In a mature democracy almost everyone respects the results of national elections. The majority forms the Government and the minority take their places in the legislature and try their best to influence policies and laws introduced by the majority Government. And so for the four or five years before the next elections, the legislature debates, approves or disapproves the proposals by the Government. But the minority and even the individual legislator may also move proposals or laws although in most instances they will not get through for lack of majority support. Playing their parts, both the majorty and the minority would contribute to the proper workings of a democratic Government.

5. Political parties love democracy as it seems to be fair to everyone. Anyone can bid for any place in the party, including the top most. That is the theory at least.

6. But the reality is that only certain people could aspire to lead because of the support of a substantial number of the members.

7. Ideally in a contest the one with the biggest number of supporters should win. Ideally as with Government the loser and his supporters should accept the decision of the majority.

8. Unfortunately the loser or losers may not want to accept the results. This can ultimately lead to the party being split and weakened.

9. The process may have been very democratic but the objective of choosing a leader by majority vote has not been achieved. The losers must also remember that when they win they same can happen to them. In other words a deocratic contest can only lead to the break-up of the party (I am speaking from experience).

10. I would like to cheer on the candidates who are contesting for any post anywhere through the democratic process. Obviously only one would win. If those who lose cannot accept the decision of the majority of the members, then it is better not to talk about democracy. You really do not know what democracy is about. *

* Of course I am assuming the contest is fair.

Friday, March 12, 2010

MPM Uji Dasar Umno Dan Pas
A Kadir Jasin

[Komen menggunakan pengenalan anonymous TIDAK AKAN DILAYAN. Sila gunakan nama sebenar atau nama samaran. Jikalau menggunakan anonymous, sila nyatakan nama di penghujung komen. Ulasan yang mengandungi unsur fitnah, hasutan, perkauman dan bahasa kesat tidak akan disiarkan. Ulasan yang terkeluar daripada tajuk tidak akan diberi keutamaan.]

ADALAH memalukan apabila muncul suara-suara sumbang daripada segelintir orang Umno yang mendakwa kononnya Majlis Perundingan NGO Melayu (MPM) adalah “outfit” Umno.

Inilah cara kera sumbang yang mahu tumpang sekaki apabila buah di pokoknya mula kehabisan atau tidak sesedap buah di pokok orang lain.

Kera sumbang Umno ini sepatutnya bertanya mengapa begitu banyak NGO Melayu dan pemikir Melayu berdiri di belakang Ibrahim Ali bagi menubuhkan MPM jika bukan kerana kecewa dengan sikap Umno dan parti-parti politik Melayu/Islam.

Seperti kita maklum, pada 27 Feb. lalu, sebanyak 76 NGO Melayu bergabung bagi menubuhkan MPM) dalam usaha mempertahankan dan melindungi hak-hak Melayu serta agama Islam.

Ini adalah perkembangan yang sihat kerana buat sekian lama suara orang Melayu/Islam terlalu dipolitikkan oleh Umno dan Pas sehingga mula hilang taring dan keberanian, khasnya selepas Pas bergabung dengan DAP dan PKR dalam Pakatan Rakyat.

Kemunculan suara alternatif Melayu yang bebas politik seperti MPM boleh menghidupkan kembali kepelbagaian suara orang Melayu/Islam dan menjadi pemangkin kepada penyemarakan semula dialog agama dan bangsa serta mengingatkan Umno dan Pas mengenai peranan mereka.

Secara kebetulan, penubuhan MPM berlaku seminggu selepas Presiden Umno merangkap Perdana Menteri, Mohd Najib Abdul Razak, dilaporkan oleh media massa sebagai menggesa Umno melakukan perubahan cara bertindak (paradigm shift) supaya mendapat sokongan orang Melayu dan bukan Melayu.

Bernama melaporkan yang Perdana Menteri menggesa Umno mengambil berat kebajikan orang lain “agar mereka menghormati parti kita”dan jika Umno dihormati, akan wujudlah integrasi dan perpaduan.

Malaysian Insider pula memetik beliau sebagai berkata, ini boleh dilakukan dengan menyelesaikan masalah semua rakyat Malaysia tanpa mengira kaum.

Beliau dilaporkan berkata demikian ketika merasmikan Konvensyen Wanita Umno di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putera di ibu negara pada hari Sabtu, 20 Feb.

“Mengapakah mereka tidak melihat kepada Umno untuk menyelesaikan masalah mereka? Mengapa mereka pergi kepada pembangkang?” tanya Mohd Najib.

Perdana Menteri berkata, kejayaan Malaysia bergantung kepada kestabilan politik dan kepemimpinan orang Melayu, selaras dengan konsep 1Malaysia.

“Kita mesti menjaga kaum-kaum lain agar mereka hormat kepada kita,” katanya.

Tidak ada salah atau celanya saranan Perdana Menteri itu. Malah orang Melayu sepatutnya berasa lebih lega dengan “jaminan” beliau bahawa kepemimpinan Melayu adalah selaras dengan konsep 1Malaysia.

Cuma kita harus bertanya apakah masih tidak cukup apa telah Umno lakukan untuk orang bukan Melayu selama ini dan adakah sudah cukup apa yang dilakukannya untuk orang Melayu sendiri?

1. Bukankah selama ini Umno membela nasib semua kaum di Malaysia secara langsung dan tidak langsung sebagai parti induk Perikatan/Barisan Nasional?

2. Bukankah Umno yang membawa masuk kaum pendatang Cina dan India ke dalam proses perundingan kemerdekaan lebih 50 tahun lalu yang sekali gus menjadikan mereka warganegara?

3. Bukankah kata putus Umno atau lebih tepat kata putus Perdana Menteri Umno menentukan dasar negara yang merangkumi semua kaum?

4. Apakah matlamat Dasar Ekonomi Baru yang dipelopori oleh Allahyarham Tun Abdul Razak Hussein kalau bukan untuk menghapuskan kemiskinan tanpa mengira kaum?

5. Diputar-lajukan ke hadapan ke tahun 2010. Bukanlah Perdana Menteri dari parti Umno yang menliberalisasikan syarat pelaburan yang tidak lagi mewajibkan penyertaan modal Bumiputera dalam 27 bidang industri perkhidmatan?

6. Bukankah Umno juga berperanan membolehkan orang bukan Melayu menjadi senang dan kaya raya di negara ini lebih daripada orang Melayu sendiri?

7. Bukankah Perdana Menteri dari parti Umno yang menguar-uarkan dasar meritokrasi dan membuka pintu institusi pengajian tinggi awam (IPTA) kepada calon bukan Melayu sehingga melepasi nisbah kaum?

8. Bukankah dasar kerajaan pimpinan Umno yang membenarkan penubuhan institusi pengajian tinggi swasta (IPTS) di mana bilangan pelajar Melayu sangat kecil?

9. Atau Perdana Menteri bermaksud mengatakan yang pembesar dan penggiat Umno perlu terbabit terus membantu masyarakat bukan Melayu seperti memberi derma dan bantuan, menguruskan mayat, menjadi bentara di majlis kenduri kahwin dan mencari gadis Cina atau India yang lari dari rumah?

10. Bukankah tanpa Mohd Najib membuat saranan itu pun, sudah cukup ramai orang Melayu yang berasa Umno lebih menjaga hati dan kepentingan orang bukan Melayu daripada hati dan kepentingan orang Melayu?

11. Atau tidakkah pembabitan terus ala Michael Chong oleh Umno dalam hal ehwal masyarakat bukan Melayu akan mengurangkan dan mengganggu-gugat peranan parti-parti BN yang mewakili kaum-kaum bukan Melayu seperti MCA, MIC, Gerakan dan parti-parti suku kaum di Sarawak dan Sabah?

12. Benar kata Mohd Najib yang Umno perlu berubah. Tetapi bolehkah Umno berubah apabila Ketua Bahagian hanya peduli kedudukan sendiri dan bukan kepentingan ahli dan orang Melayu?
13. Bagaimanakah Umno boleh diterima oleh orang bukan Melayu sedangkan orang Melayu sendiri muak dengan pembesarnya yang terbabit dengan politik wang, mabuk kuasa dan mementingkan tembolok sendiri?

14. Atau pembesar Umno hanya mahu mendengar puji-pujian, sanjungan dan sambutan besar-besaran dengan dipagari pegawai tinggi kerajaan, pegawai khas, pengawal keselamatan dan kaki ampu?

15. Dan bukankah kerajaan pimpinan Umno yang membatalkan pengajaran Sains dan Matematik dalam bahasa Inggeris kerana ditentang oleh beberapa pihak termasuk Dong Jiao Zong?

16. Jadi apa lagi yang tidak Umno lakukan untuk semua bangsa di Malaysia melainkan menukar namanya kepada United Malaysian National Organisation?; dan

18. Pas pula sudah menjadi kacau-bilau dalam matlamatnya memperjuangkan Islam kerana terlalu bertolak-ansur dengan DAP dan PKR seperti yang terjadi dengan isu kalimah Allah baru-baru ini.

Akhir kalam, buat peringatan kepada orang Melayu, saya petik pesanan Presiden pengasas Umno, Allahyarham Datuk Onn Jaafar, yang berbunyi:

“Kita hendaklah menggesek biola dengan kuat akan lagu gesekan kita, jangan sampai lain orang menggesek (dan) kita hanya menari sahaja menurut lagu gesekannya.” -- (Daripada buku Amanat Presiden Umno 1946-2009 terbitan Berita Publishing.)
Posted by A KADIR JASIN at 6:37 AM 32 comments
Saturday, March 0

Saturday, March 06, 2010

PKR's Leadership Of PR Under Pressure
A Kadir Jasin

[Please take note, ANONYMOUS comments with not be entertained. When commenting, your real identity is preferred. But a suitable pseudonym is accepted. If you have to use anonymous, please print your name or pen name at the bottom of your message. Please avoid seditious, defamatory and libelous statements. Unrelated comments will not be given priority.]

PARTI Keadilan Rakyat leaders and the party’s growing league of defectors are washing their dirty linen in public, and the juicy inside story of the Anwar Ibrahim led opposition party is spilling out.

The party’s deputy president, Syed Husin Ali, on March 2 revealed what amounted to an acknowledgement that the reform-driven party has some very rich backers.

So rich that one of them was able to pay the ex-secretary general, Salehuddin Hashim, RM9,000 a month and the former Penang Deputy Chief Minister, Mohd Fairus Khairuddin, was paid RM4,000 despite quitting the post.

Salehuddin, once a senior executive in the UEM Group, left the party on Mar.1 while Mohd Fairuz exited on Mar. 2 and announced that he was joining Umno.

Yesterday (Mar. 3), the PKR MP for Bagan Serai, Perak, Mohsin Fadzli Samsuri, also left to become an independent legislator.

Other PKR MPs who also left the party to become independent members are the Bayan Baru representative Zahrain Hashim and the Nibong Tebal representative Tan Tee Beng.

Mohsin was reported as saying that he exited the party because he was concerned with Pakatan Rakyat’s politics, especially its stance on use of the term “Allah” by non-Muslims.

In what appears to be an attempt to discredit the defectors, Syed Husin claimed that Salehuddin was paid RM9,000 a month as secretary-general, and said he left because he was not being named head of Perangsang.

“The payment was not made by the party but by one of our supporters,” he told the Press.

It must have been a cultural shock for Syed Husin, who is used to the selflessness and poverty of his former socialist crowd, to deal with the selfishness and wealth and his present PKR flock.

Salehuddin responded by warning those attempting to strip him that they could end up losing their underpants. He was at the Press conference to announce the resignation of the Bagan Serai MP from the party.

As for PKR’s role as the leading PR component, its position may sooner or later become untenable despite the assurances by the DAP and Pas.

The DAP superemo, Lim Kit Siang, said Anwar Ibrahim would remain Parliamentary Opposition Leader and PR’s choice for prime minister.

It was a statement laden with hidden meanings when Lim said Anwar would remain Parliamentary Opposition Leader and PR’s choice for prime minister “even if the number of PKR representatives falls below that of the DAP.”

With three MPs gone, PKR is now even with the DAP at 28 each. Pas has 23 seats. PKR won 31 seats at the 2008 general elections.

Why such a strong support and endorsement for Anwar, who is now on trial for sodomy, from Lim? The answer is simple. Since a PM has to be Muslim, Lim knows that only PKR and Pas can supply the candidate.

The DAP chief surely cannot imagine having a Pas leader as the replacement for Anwar as the candidate for the PM post should PR win the next GE.

But what if Anwar is found guilty? Lim had recently stated that PR would survive without Anwar. But for that to happen, there has to be an acceptable replacement. It cannot be from Pas because the DAP is unlikely to accept it.

The highest-ranking Muslim (Malay) in the DAP is Tunku Abdul Aziz Tunku Ibrahim, the party’s National Vice Chairman, who is now a senator. Could he be the dark horse? Or could it be the pro-tem chairman of PR, Mohd Zaid Ibrahim of PKR? The DAP should not have any problem supporting his candidacy.

Anwar also received that endorsement of Pas when its lawmakers issued a joint statement pledging support for Anwar to continue as de facto leader of the opposition alliance.

But so far only 12 out of 28 remaining PKR MPs had so far openly pledged loyalty to the party. They quickly blamed Umno and Barisan Nasional for allegedly attempting to divide the party by spreading rumours that more PKR representatives would jump ship.

Malaysiakini news portal, in an analysis entitled “Opposition Put On A Brave Face Amidst Defections”, among other things noted:

“After stunning success in the 2008 polls, which also netted the opposition control of five states, Anwar plotted to seize power by securing mass defections from the BN government.

“But it was the BN that ended up drawing defectors, wresting control of Perak when three state assemblymen jumped ship in early 2009.”

And if academician turned politician, Dr Mansor Othman was any good at making prediction, more PKR leaders will leave the party. Dr Mansor, who is the party’s Penang Chairman and Deputy Chief Minister 1, told the Press that he expects at least five more members, including elected representatives, to leave the party soon.

That cannot be good for the “reformasi” party and its PR allies.
Posted by A KADIR JASIN at 12:20 PM 23 comments
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
on March 4, 2010 7:33 PM | Permalink | Comments (34) | TrackBacks (0)
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1. For the first time Proton takes part in the prestigious motor show in Geneva. It is costly to exhibit there but I was gratified at the interest shown by the foreign and Malaysian journalists and motoring fans in the new Proton concept car - the EMAS (Eco-Mobility Advanced Solution).

2. Malaysians will not be able to buy it for a long time but even though the car was designed for the world market it would first appear on Malaysian roads.

3. It is a small car, designed by Italdesign Giugiaro and Proton designers and engineers in Turin. For a small car it is very spacious and has many innovative features. It can actually seat up to five adults and comes in three versions. There will be three more versions later.

4. The completed car which was the principal attraction has a hybrid engine. But ordinary Internal Combustion Engine can also be installed and would cost less than the hybrid. However, no price has been fixed yet.

5. Malaysian journalists present have already reported on the car. I am just adding for the visitors to my blog.

6. I may be wrong (and as usual many comments will tell me I am wrong) but I think the journalists and the hundreds of motorcar enthusiasts who visited the stand were impressed by the many unique features of the car.

7. If this car proves to be a success it may mark the true recovery of Proton.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Royalti Minyak: Mohd Najib Lwn Ku Li
A Kadir Jasin

[Komen menggunakan pengenalan anonymous TIDAK AKAN DILAYAN. Sila gunakan nama sebenar atau nama samaran. Jikalau menggunakan anonymous, sila nyatakan nama di penghujung komen. Ulasan yang mengandungi unsur fitnah, hasutan, perkauman dan bahasa kesat tidak akan disiarkan. Ulasan yang terkeluar daripada tajuk tidak akan diberi keutamaan.]

PRESIDEN Umno Mohd Najib Abdul Razak pada 25 Februari berkata dia menyerahkan kepada keahlian parti memutuskan jika tindakan perlu diambil ke atas Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah.

Tindakan Ku Li menentang dasar kerajaan pusat mengenai tuntutan royalti minyak/gas oleh kerajaan Kelantan dilaporkan mendapat bantahan beberapa orang ahli Majlis Tertinggi Umno. Mereka mempersoalkan “kekebalan” bekas Naib Presiden Unmo itu.

Mohd Najib menyatakan pendirian itu ketika ditekan oleh pemberita selepas mempengerusikan mesyuarat bulanan MT.

Nampaknya, Mohd Najib sama ada mahu mencari jalan selamat mengelakkan konfrontasi dengan Ku Li atau dia mahu ahli Umno membantunya menamatkan riwayat politik Ku Li.

Umno sudah biasa dengan taktik main selamat Mohd Najib. Tetapi perlu disebutkan juga yang Ku Li telah mencuba menyekat Mohd Najib daripada mengisi jawatan presiden dalam pemilihan Umno tahun lalu tetapi gagal.

Sebagai veteran terakhir Umno yang masih cergas dalam politik dan mewakili sebuah kerusi Parlimen, Ku Li mungkin berasa dia tidak akan rugi apa-apa dengan tindakannya itu.

Kalau dia dikenakan tindakan oleh Umno, dia tetap akan menjadi hero kepada sesetengah orang dan pihak. Bagi ahli dan penyokong Umno Kelantan, isu ini umpama telan mati ibu, luah mati bapa.

Tetapi sebagai Presiden Umno dan Perdana Menteri, Mohd Najib tidak boleh berdiam diri membenarkan seorang ahli parti menentang dasar parti dan kerajaan secara terbuka, apatah lagi di saat-saat Umno dilihat sebagai sedang mengalami pemulihan dan pembangkang semakin kelam-kabut.

Serentak itu Umno dan Pas berdepan dengan kepelbagaian suara Melayu/Islam yang semakin lantang dengan penubuhan Majlis Perundingan Melayu (MPM) di Kuala Lumpur Sabtu lalu (27 Feb.).

Maka bagi seorang pembesar Umno seperti Ku Li bersekongkol dengan parti lawan adalah bukan alang-kepalang kesalahan.

Kalau Mohd Najib tidak bertindak tegas dan pantas, dia akan dianggap tidak tegas dan mungkin pembesar Umno dan Barisan Nasional lain mungkin mengikut langkah Ku Li memberontak.

Inilah dilema Mohd Najib. Apatah lagi, Ku Li bukan orang lain, tetapi antara guru yang diamanahkan oleh Allahyarham bapanya, Tun Abdul Razak Hussein, untuk mendidiknya.

Jika berlaku konfrontasi terbuka antara Mohd Najib dan Ku Li, ia adalah perlawanan yang cukup menarik.

1. Ia berupa perlawanan antara murid dengan guru. Pasti ada sebab Abdul Razak menghantar anaknya yang baru pulang dari belajar di England berguru dengan Ku Li di Petronas di mana Ku Li adalah pengerusinya;

2. Sama ada kerana keturunan, kebijaksanaan atau ketentuan nasib si murid telah menjadi lebih berkuasa daripada guru;

3. Perlawanan kali kedua setelah Ku Li gagal mencabar Mohd Najib untuk jawatan Presiden Umno pada tahun 2009. Ku Li tidak memperoleh cukup kuota pencalonan bahagian untuk bertanding;

4. Perbezaan pendapat dalam Umno mengenai isu royalti minyak ini akan memberi kesan langsung dan besar kepada keputusan pilihan raya umum akan datang di Kelantan;

5. Cabaran Ku Li ini adalah sesuatu yang Mohd Najib perlu tangani dengan berhati-hati kerana walaupun Ku Li tidak lagi mempunyai kedudukan dalam kepemimpinan tertinggi parti, tetapi dia masih dihormati ramai;

6. Dalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini, Ku Li dianggap sebagai pelindung hak Melayu dan antara beberapa kerat pembesar Umno yang masih berani bersuara;

7. Ku Li pernah menjadi putera mahkota politik Umno selaku naib presiden termuda di era Tun Abdul Razak dan Tun Hussein Onn. Dia kenal benar siapa Mohd Najib;

8. Ku Li menjadi kuasa di belakang gerakan menjatuhkan kerajaan Pas Kelantan dan mengembalikan pemerintahan Umno pada tahun 1977;

9. Antara 1977 dan 1987 Ku Li menjadi peneraju pembangunan negeri Kelantan di bawah Pelan Pembangunan Negeri Kelantan;

10. Dia tentu sedar dengan hasil minyak yang lebih besar, Kelantan boleh dimajukan semula seperti zamannya dahulu. Kalau dia memihak kepada Pas, kerajaan Pas Kelantan pasti akan meminta nasihatnya;

11. Dia membantu menjatuhkan kerajaan BN Kelantan dan menaikkan semula Pas dalam pilihan raya umum 1990 apabila parti barunya, Parti Melayu Semangat 46 (S46) bersekongkol dengan Pas. Atas sebab itu, Pas sentiasa bersimpati dengan Ku Li; dan

12. Zaman Ku Li menerajui pembangunan Kelantan antara 1977 dan 1987 dianggap sebagai zaman keemasan Umno Kelantan.

Soalnya adakah pendirian beliau mengenai isu royalti minyak ini berupa episod kedua dan terakhir cabarannya terhadap Mohd Najib?

Ku Li tentunya sedar bahawa sama ada dia menjadi duri dalam daging kepada Umno atau dipecat, dia tetap akan menjadi wira di mata ramai ahli Umno dan orang Melayu. Pada usianya sekarang, dia tidak akan rugi apa-apa.

Bagi Mohd Najib pula, bagaimanakah dia mengharapkan keahlian Umno memberi kata putus mengenai Ku Li? Apakah caranya bagi ahli Umno yang berjuta bilangannya itu menyatakan pendirian mereka mengenai tindak-tanduk Ku Li?

Secara tidak langsung, keahlian Umno, melalui mesyuarat agung bahagian awal tahun lalu, telah menyatakan pendirian apabila mereka memberi sokongan sebulat suara kepada Mohd Najib dan menolak pencalonan Ku Li.

Jadi, adalah tidak mustahil bahawa Ku Li menggunakan isu royalti minyak ini untuk memberi kesempatan terakhir kepada dirinya dan kepada Mohd Najib untuk menentukan masa depannya dalam Umno dan BN.

Dia (Ku Li) sama ada kekal dalam Umno sebagai melukut di tepi gantang dan duri dalam daging atau menjadi “man of the hour” dipecat daripada Umno.
Posted by A KADIR JASIN at 7:42 AM 31 comments
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
on March 2, 2010 4:39 AM | Permalink | Comments (30) | TrackBacks (0)
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1. Since the appointment of Dato Nazmi Salleh as the chairman a lot of improvements have been shown by Proton. It is once again making money. More Proton cars are appearing on the streets, particularly the new Saga, the Persona and the Exora.

2. I was invited to see the new F1 car being developed by Dato Seri Tony Fernandes and Dato Kamaruddin Meranun at the facilities they had acquired in Norwich, England. I had promised to sit in and start the engine of this car if it could be built in the short time they had before the first F1 race in Bahrain in March. I was pleasantly surprised that by the time I arrived on February 22, not only could I sit in the racer and start the engine but the car itself had been undergoing trial races in Spain. They had brought back the car for me to sit in and start the engine. The next day they were to take the car back to Spain for further speed trials.

3. I was glad to see quite a number of Proton engineers working on the production and assembly of the car.

4. The British people were very excited that once again a Lotus car would be in the F1 race. The three drivers were optimistic. The two foreign drivers, Jarno Trulli and Hekki Kovalainen, were very experienced. Fairuz Fauzi our Malaysian driver was the first to test-drive the car in Spain. I hope he would get a chance to drive in the actual race. I wish them the best of luck.

5. My next stop was the Lotus factory where the Elise and Evora sports cars were being produced. Lotus had not done well and was losing money. But the new CEO, Dany Bahar has put new life into the management bringing in experienced people from well-known racing teams and sports car producers.

6. New sports cars were being designed and they looked as good as the Ferraris and the Aston Martins. I test drove a turbo-charged Proton Exora, an electric Tesla which Lotus was building for an American company and the Lotus Evora.

7. A lot of Proton engineers were working with Lotus engineers contributing to the development of Lotus cars.

8. The next day I flew to Turin, Italy to see the lubricant plant which had been bought by Petronas. It was again heartening to see Malaysians among the top executives of the company.

9. The final stop was the design firm of Giugiaro together with Proton which were designing a new small car and a redesigned Persona for Proton. Some 20 Malaysian designers and engineers were working on these projects together with the Italians.

10. It may be remembered that one of the objectives of going into the automotive industry was to develop Malaysia's engineering capability. Seeing all these Malaysians in the development of sophisticated automotive designing and engineering work seems to indicate that we have largely acquired engineering design, development and production to put us on the road to becoming a developed country.

11. Some people said that the price of cars in Malaysia is very high because the Government is protecting Proton. Actually the high price is due to the Government's attempt to discourage petrol guzzling big cars. Whether there is Proton or not Malaysians will pay a high price for their cars. Cheap cars will lead to even worse jams than now.

12. Most people started to own cars only after Proton cars were produced. Such was the increase in the usage of cars that in one 10-year period, Proton cars contributed 18 billion Ringgit towards Government revenue. Considering that the total Government investment was only RM480 million Ringgit in 1984-85, the returns on the investment must be considered very high. The people as a whole must benefit from Government expenditure of this large sum of money.

13. Besides, Proton supports about 300,000 workers, vendors and their families. It produces almost 200,000 cars yearly. If we import foreign cars at RM25,000 per car, the outflow of money would add up to approximately RM5,000,000,000 or five billion Ringgit. Even after deducting some component imports the amount saved in foreign exchange is huge.

14. At one stage there were rumours of an attempt to practically bankrupt Proton so as to sell it off cheaply. This was what happened to Agusta. Proton has assets which the buyers can develop profitably. But I am glad that these are just rumours and no one talks about it anymore. If a person looks at the whole picture he will appreciate that Proton is too valuable an asset to sell for RM4.