Wednesday, October 27, 2010


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1. The Prime Minister has announced that Malaysia should develop into a high income economy. In the past we had stressed low cost because we wanted to attract Foreign Direct Investment through low wages for our workers. That was a good strategy because we were trying to solve our high unemployment problem.

2. We were so successful in creating jobs that we have to import foreign labour. We were effectively helping to solve the unemployment problem of other countries.

3. Our cost of labour is now higher than our neighbours and of course against China and Vietnam.There is no way we can compete with them. If our labour cost increases further, especially if we want to have a high income economy, we can no longer compete for FDI, at least the labour intensive ones.

4. When we increase incomes it will not be only wages and salaries which will increase, profits as income must also increase. Government can quite easily pay high salaries and wages. But even for the Government the money must come from somehwere.

5. Unless Government revenues increase, the money will have to come from reduction in development expenditure. This may not be welcomed by the people.

6. For the private sector the money can come from more efficient management, higher productivity through more efficient output by workers or through investments in better machinery and equipment. Almost invariably the higher wages and salaries will increase cost and therefore the prices of goods and services.

7. Higher income will therefore result in higher cost of living. This will reduce the purchasing power expected of higher incomes. This would be meaningless unless the increase in cost of living will be less than the increase in incomes.

8. Unless the increase in incomes is properly managed, it will not enrich the people in terms of purchasing power. As the cost of living rises, the increases in income may not purchase more than what the previous lower income would. Indeed it may be possible that the increases in income will actually purchase less goods and services than the previous low income.

9. We see today the purchasing power of the developed countries with much higher income than us. The United States is said to have a per capita income of USD36,000, roughly five times Malaysia's USD7,000 per capita. But the people are not five times richer than Malaysians in terms of purchasing power. In fact in certain cases the purchasing power is the same as Malaysians. According to the McDonald's Hamburger Index, the Ringgit is the same as the US Dollar in purchasing McDonald's hamburger - one Ringgit will buy in Malaysia what USD1 will buy in the US.

10. Clearly the increased income in high-cost countries does not give an increase in purchasing power equal to the increase in income as compared to low-cost countries. It is important that the Malaysian public understand this.

11. Malaysians are very sensitive to price increases, in many cases illogically. When crude oil increased in price from USD30 per barrel to USD140, Malaysians expect the pump price of petrol to remain the same. This is illogical. Surely the increase in crude price will be reflected in the retail petrol price.

12. The Government can subsidise. But when Government subsidises it must tap the money from other allocations. Perhaps it can use the extra profits from the sale of Malaysian crude in the market. But this would not be enough as we consume three-fourth of our oil and sell only one quarter. From the sale of one quarter of our oil, we cannot fully subsidise three quarters that we sell at the old price.

13. There must therefore be an increase in the price of retail oil. Malaysians must accept reasonable price increases when incomes and profits are increased on our way to becoming high-cost developed country. There is no way we can continue to enjoy low cost of living while we ensure we earn high incomes.

14. A high-income economy must therefore also be a high-cost (of living) country. But with good management the high incomes would increase our purchasing power to some extent, especially in the purchase of imported goods and services and when traveling abroad. There should be also a certain increase in purchasing power in the country. In effect despite higher cost of living we will still enjoy higher purchasing power and a higher standard of living.

15. I am all for the Government's high income policy. My worry is that the people may expect high income without the accompanying high cost of living. It is better for them to be forewarned.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010

Melayu Pengasas Umno Manusia Progresif

A Kadir Jasin

[Komen menggunakan pengenalan anonymous TIDAK AKAN DILAYAN. Sila gunakan nama sebenar atau nama samaran. Jikalau menggunakan anonymous, sila nyatakan nama di penghujung komen. Ulasan yang mengandungi unsur fitnah, hasutan, perkauman dan bahasa kesat tidak akan disiarkan. Ulasan yang terkeluar daripada tajuk tidak akan diberi keutamaan.]

SEMALAN, Presiden Umno Mohd Najib Abdul Razak, membuka Perhimpunan Agung Umno 2010 dengan memberi pidato berjudul “Mendaya Bangsa Meneraju Kemakmuran” yang puitis, emotif, menyentuh hati dan membakar emosi.

Buat masa ini, saya hanya ingin mengulas atau, lebih tepat, terpaksa mengulas, satu hal sahaja demi memperbetulkan dan seterusnya mempertahankan maruah serta kewibawaan generasi pengasas Umno.

Khasnya Allahyarham ayah saya yang hidup matinya dengan Umno. Walaupun beberapa tahun sebelum kembali ke rahmatullah dua raya dulu hatinya tawar terhadap kepemimpinan Umno, namun cintanya kepada Parti Kebangsaan Melayu Bersatu tidak pernah luntur.

Penegasan saya -- ahli pengasas Umno adalah progresif. Hasil sikap progresif merekalah, maka mereka mementang Malayan Union dan bergabung menubuhkan Umno.

Lama sebelum Umno ditubuhkan, orang Melayu sudah cukup progresif dan tinggi kesedaran politiknya. Mereka menubuhkan pelbagai pertubuhan dan kesatuan untuk memperjuangkan hak dan kepentingan mereka. Persatuan dan pertubuhan ini bergabung menubuhkan Umno.

Maka mengatakan penolakan cadangan Presiden pengasas Umno, Onn Jaafar, supaya keahlian Umno dibuka kepada bukan Melayu adalah kerana idea itu terlalu progresif kepada mereka adalah tidak tepat.

Dalam ucapannya, Mohd Najib berkata: “Jika dihimbau sebenarnya, pada awal tahun 1950an, Presiden Umno ketika itu, Allahyarham Dato’ Onn Jaafar, telah mengenengahkan idea untuk membuka pintu keahlian parti kepada orang bukan Melayu kerana beliau melihat realiti, bahawa kemerdekaan, tidak mampu dicapai tanpa kaum-kaum yang ada bersetuju berkongsi kuasa.

“Namun, rancangan Dato’ Onn pada masa itu adalah terlalu progresif bagi ahli Umno yang merasakan kedudukan bangsa Melayu masih belum kuat. Hasilnya ia telah ditentang oleh majoriti ahli dan pemimpin Umno.....”

Orang Melayu menolak cadangan itu bukan kerana ia terlalu progresif, tetapi atas beberapa sebab. Antaranya:-

1. Umno adalah parti kebangsaan orang Melayu dan anak peribumi;

2. Majoriti orang bukan Melayu pada waktu itu bukan warganegara Tanah Melayu atau warganegara negeri-negeri Melayu (state citizens);

3. Majoriti orang bukan Melayu yang mempunyai kesedaran politik ketika itu lebih mengutamakan politik negara ibunda mereka. Pendatang Cina dengan politik Negeri China dan India dengan nasionalisme India. Malah, pendatang Cina yang menyokong Parti Komunis China dan Parti Kebangsaan Kuomintang pernah bergaduh menggunakan senjata kerana fahaman politik tanah besar China.

Sejarawan Cheah Boon Kheng, dalam bukunya “The Masked Comrads” antara lain menulis: “MCP-KMT rivalry involving the ABH (Ah Bin Hoay secret society) came to a head in December 1946, in the bloody outbreak at Pangkor.”

(Persaingan MCP-KMT membabitkan ABH (Ah kongsi gelap Bin Hoay) memuncak pada bulan December 1946 dengan pertumpahan darah di Pangkor.)

4. Orang bukan Melayu menyokong Malayan Union. Cheah Boon Kheng mengulas lagi: “The idea of a single state or a large union which combined all the Malay states and the Straits Settlements appealed, in fact, only to the British and the non-Malays but not to the Malays who were still extremely parochial in their attitude.”

(Idea sebuah negeri atau kesatuan yang besar yang menggabungkan negeri-negeri Melayu dengan negeri-negeri Selat pada hakikatnya menarik minat Inggeris dan orang bukan Melayu sahaja, tetapi tidak orang Melayu yang masih kuat perasaan kenegeriannya.)

Walaupun Melayu bersemangat kenegerian, tetapi melalui Umno mereka meluaskan pandangan dengan berjuang atas landasan kebangsaan Melayu; dan

5. Orang Cina Persekutuan Tanah Melayu pada waktu itu terbahagi kepada tiga kumpulan – Cina pendatang, Cina kelahiran tempatan dan Cina Baba. Yang jelas mahu menjadi warganegara Tanah Melayu merdeka adalah Cina Baba yang sudah berabad lamanya menetap di bumi Melayu.

Jadi adalah songsang pendapat mengatakan orang Melayu menolak saranan Onn Jaafar kerana idea beliau terlalu progresif bagi orang Melayu.

Sebaliknya, kerana orang Melayu progresif dan dalam kefahaman politiknya, maka mereka menolak cadangan itu, tetapi mereka tidak pula menolak kerakyatan orang bukan Melayu asalkan mereka mengikrarkan taat setia kepada Persekutuan Tanah Melayu.

Malah tidak keterlaluan jika dikatakan bahawa orang Melayu pada waktu itu adalah cukup progresif dan melepasi keadaan masa dan persekitaran mereka. Mungkin juga mereka lebih progresif dan berilmu daripada sesetengah Melayu yang ada hari ini.

Yang pasti, mereka lebih kenal diri, lebih tinggi jati diri dan lebih berkeyakinan mengenai hak dan kedudukan mereka sebagai peribumi. Mereka tidak berasa bersalah atau apologetik menjadi Melayu dan peribumi.

Mengenai pidato Mohd Najib keseluruhannya, mesej saya kepada beliau mudah saja. Kotakanlah kata-kata yang panas menyala. Jangan umpama tahi ayam yang hangatnya hanya seketika.

Tetapi sebagai budak kampung, saya tahu tahi ayam pun berguna. Disimpan lama ia jadi baja. Sebaliknya buaian dongeng saudagar mimpi akan membuat orang Melayu hilang jadi diri dan akhirnya bangsat di negara sendiri. Barang dijauhkan Allah.


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1. Malaysians, including Malaysian monetary authorities seem quite happy over the appreciation of the Ringgit against the US Dollar. We think that when our currency strengthens it must be because our economy is strong. Therefore we are doing well.

2. But are we doing well? Is it the Ringgit which is appreciating or is it the US Dollar which is devaluing?

3. Actually it is the US Dollar which is devaluing. It is devaluing against most other currencies, especially against China's currency.

4. Why is the dollar devaluing? Could it be the currency traders are selling dollars? Could it be because the balance of payment is not in US favour?

5. Martin Wolf of the Financial Times, an expert on money has this to say. There is a global currency battle going on. "To put it crudely," he says, "the US wants to inflate the rest of the world, while the latter is trying to deflate the US. The US must win, since it has infinite ammunition; there is no limit to the dollars the Federal Reserve can create. What needs to be discussed is the terms of the world's surrender; the needed changes in nominal exchange rates and domestic policies around the world."

6. Our reserves are represented by the US Dollar, Gold and other currencies which we keep in order to back the value of our Ringgit. The US clearly does not have to hold foreign currencies to back the Dollar. All the US has to do is to create (print) money.

7. When we buy US Dollar bonds, we are in fact lending US Dollars to the US. When we redeem the bonds all the US has to do is to print more dollars to pay us. We are actually exchanging hard-earned money for pieces of paper which some people call toilet paper.

8. I wonder what Malaysia is doing during this currency war. Are we still keeping US Dollars as our reserves? Have our reserves depreciated because the US Dollar has depreciated?

9. Many countries are now "controlling" their currencies. Are we going to go the other way - to remove the last remnants of our control?

10. As I said in a previous article, the daily trade in currency amounts to 4 trillion dollars. Are we going to contribute to that trade?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Of 1Malaysia, Pendatang, Suckling Pigs, Belacan and Toddy

A Kadir Jasin

[Please take note, ANONYMOUS comments with not be entertained. When commenting, your real identity is preferred. But a suitable pseudonym is accepted. If you have to use anonymous, please print your name or pen name at the bottom of your message. Please avoid seditious, defamatory and libelous statements. Unrelated comments will not be given priority.] has a clip entitled “PM: Malaysian Chinese are not Pendatang.”

Who are saying Malaysian Chinese are pendatang (immigrants) that forces Mohd Najib Abdul Razak to make the denial?

Even those whose tongues are loose and have the penchant for saying hurtful things know that today’s Malaysian Chinese are not pendatang.

Not the majority for sure although there could be a tiny minority who came from somewhere in the world, including China, and were recently granted citizenship. These new citizens are pendatang.

But the majority is not. Their grandfathers or great grandfathers came here as early as the 15th century although most arrived in mid-20th century. They are keturunan pendatang.

Some were brought here by the East India Company or its agents, but most came on their own as poor people escaping poverty and oppression in China. There night not be snakehead human smugglers then, but the immigrants came as indentured labourers to work in Chinese-owned tin mines and sundy businesses.

The British were more interested in the Indian laborers who toiled in their rubber plantations and tea estates. The immigrant Chinese were franchised to the Kapitan Cina and, in the Kinta Valley, Perak under the “protection” of the Ghee Hin and Hai San secret societies.

What the British unquestionably brought from China was the opium to satiate and at the same time enslaved the opium-addicted Chinese immigrants.

Until the 1960s there were still licensed opium dens in the country. Even in my kampung there was one such establishment although not all the addicts were Chinese laborers and boatmen. There were also Malay and Thai addicts.

For the Indians, there were licensed toddy shops that sold genuine coconut sap toddy. Toddy shops were usually located near the railway stations or the PWD (now JKR) workshops, where Indians were widely employed.

These were the legacies of the British era. Even when we became independent, the various communities continue to cling to their “colonial rights”.

Take education for instance. According to Wikipedia, (quoting Chow Kum Hor), “Malaysia is the only country outside mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau to have a complete Chinese-medium education system. The secondary Chinese-medium school in Malaysia is not funded by the government of Malaysia, existing in the form of privately owned Chinese independent high schools. However they represent only 5% of all Malaysia Chinese schools.”

[Chow Kum Hor (2008-01-31), “Battle to save Malaysia’s Chinese dropouts” – The Straits Times (AsiaOne News).]

Wikipedia further notes: “Today most schools in Malaysia are national-type schools fully or partially funded by the government, however during early 1960s roughly 60 Chinese schools rejected the Razak Report[33], they continue and insist on the use of Mandarin Chinese as teaching medium, these type of schools were to be later known as Chinese independent high school.”

Why are we so suddenly caught up in this pendatang issue to the point that one aristocratic Melayu from the Bugis land in Sulawesi even told his Chinese audience recently that he too was a pendatang? This poor soul clearly does not understand the Malay history and the geography of the Kepulauan Melayu – the Malay Archipelago.

Why the rush to become pendatang or to be associated with one? Shouldn’t we be thinking of ourselves as 1Malaysian?

As far as I am concerned, I have been 1Malaysian (1Malayan) long before Mohd Najib made 1Malaysia his political agenda and, in the process, sparked off the ongoing race-based debates.

I grew up in a riverside Malay village where our Chinese neighbours reared free-ranging pigs that trespassed our homesteads as they pleased.

Our Chinese neighbours they gave us kuih bulan (mooncake) and we gave them tapioca and yam for them to feed their pigs.

We had no qualm about partaking the soothing lemonade in their houses during the many festivals that they had. We were not bothered by the suckling pigs they ate – not even the poor creatures’ heads that they displayed on the dinner tables.

We called each other names. The Melayu were the belacan eaters, the Chinese the pork-eaters and the Indians the toddy-drinkers. Today you try that you may end up in a hospital or a police station.

Ah, those were the days my friend when we were truly colour blind and truly Malayans and Malaysians. I was lucky. I spent five years in a Sekolah Melayu, two years transiting from Malay to English in the Special Malay Class and the following seven in English medium schools.

Today, some Malaysians are either so racist or lacking self confidence that they even reject the Sekolah Wawasan concept where national and national-type schools are located in the same compound with the pupils of various races sharing common facilities.

Sadly, we become even more divisive when we debate what the Prime Minister means by 1Malaysia and what we want out of it. Has the PM awoken the monster in us by invoking 1Malaysia? Wallahualam. Only God knows.
Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
on October 11, 2010 9:05 AM | Permalink | Comments (46) | TrackBacks (0)
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1. After three days in the Epworth Hospital, it was suggested that I be discharged but should continue treatment under the Hospital in the Home service.

2. The Home Hospital has a full staff of doctors, specialists and nurses. They will carry out the full hospital treatment, periodical medical examination and treatment, intravenous drips, physiotherapy etc. They do not stay with patients but would visit at the designated time and stay as long as necessary.

3. It is far better than house-call by doctors as they can only give limited service. You feel you are being well looked after as in the hospital, but you have the ambience of home and family.

4. I don't know if we have this service or not but I believe it can contribute to being a developed country.

5. Another service I experienced is the ambulance service. The two ambulance personnel are very highly trained to give first aid including CPR, proper handling of fractures, take blood pressure and heart rate, ECG and other signs and symptoms.

6. They handle their patients very competently, are in continuous communication with the hospital to ensure preparation for receiving the patients.

7. I believe an effort was made by local doctors to provide this kind of service in Kuala Lumpur. Unfortunately after the ambulances had been acquired the financiers backed out. The Return on Investment was not good enough.

8. The Government does not operate a full ambulance service. Nor do all hospitals provide such service.

9. There are now many hospitals in KL - both public and private. A good ambulance service can save many lives.

10. Maybe the Government could afford to support the superior ambulance service in one way or another - at least until they become viable. What we need is just one. If several such service is licensed, all would be likely to fail.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Kemelut Politik Parti Sukarkan Pilihan Pengundi

A Kadir Jasin

[Komen menggunakan pengenalan anonymous TIDAK AKAN DILAYAN. Sila gunakan nama sebenar atau nama samaran. Jikalau menggunakan anonymous, sila nyatakan nama di penghujung komen. Ulasan yang mengandungi unsur fitnah, hasutan, perkauman dan bahasa kesat tidak akan disiarkan. Ulasan yang terkeluar daripada tajuk tidak akan diberi keutamaan.]

PERTIKAMAN lidah di kalangan beberapa orang pemuka baru Parti Keadilan Rakyat berkaitan kedudukan Anwar Ibrahim bukanlah sesuatu yang di luar jangkaan atau luar biasa jika kita memahami “psyche” atau cara mereka berfikir. Begitu juga pergeseran perwatakan yang sedang berlaku dalam DAP.

Kedua-dua parti ini menampilkan ciri-ciri kepelbagaian watak, gaya dan agenda yang luar biasa. Persaingan dalaman ini ada kaitan dengan tanggapan bahawa patrti-parti ini kuat dan semakin relevan kerana parti-parti Barisan Nasional lemah sejak pilihan raya umum 2008.

Dengan Umno, MCA, Gerakan dan MIC masih mencari formula penyatuan dan penyemarakan semula, tanggapan umum adalah parti-parti Pakatan Rakyat kuat dan berkeyakinan.

Tetapi di sebalik penampilan yang positif itu, parti-parti PR pun sedang mengalami perentapan dalaman yang hebat akibat perebutan kuasa di peringkat parti dan kerajaan.

Misalnya, di Selangor percubaan mengganggu-gugat dan menjatuhkan Abdul Khalid Ibrahim sebagai Menteri Besar bukanlah olok-olok atau wayang kulit, tetapi sesuatu yang nyata.

Hatta di Kedah, di mana Pas menjadi peneraju kerajaan PR dan Menteri Besar Azizan Abdul Razak cukup popular di kalangan rakyat kerana kesederhanaan dan gaya santainya, namun di belakang tabir wujud kedinginan hubungan antara Pas dan PKR.

Bisik-bisik di kalangan kepemimpinan Pas adalah mereka kurang selesa dengan apa yang sedang berlaku dengan PKR, khasnya perbicaraan kes liwat Anwar Ibrahim dan kemasukan bekas-bekas anasir BN ke dalam kepemimpinan parti itu.

Sementara perhubungan antara Pas dan DAP terus runcing mengenai isu pokok perjuangan kedua-dua parti iaitu Negara Islam bagi Pas dan negara sekular bagi DAP. Tanpa PKR sebagai broker, kelangsungan kerjasama Pas-DAP adalah dipertikaikan.

Sebaliknya jika kerjasama Pas-DAP berakhir, Pas akan menjadi ancaman lebih besar kepada Umno kerana lebih ramai orang Melayu dan orang Islam akan menyokong Pas atas dasar perjuangan Islamnya.

Justeru itu, apa yang sedang berlaku dalam pemilihan kepemimpinan PKR sekarang akan memberi kesan besar bukan sahaja kepada parti itu, tetapi juga kepada PR dan BN.

Media massa memetik salah seorang naik presiden Umno, Hashammuddin Hussein, sebagai berkata masalah dalam PKR adalah baik bagi Umno.

Keputusan pemilihan PKR akan menentukan watak mana yang akan muncul mendominasi kepemimpinan parti itu yang sekali gus memberi kesan kepada PR.

Kemenangan atau kekalahan watak-watak yang kini menonjolkan diri dalam pemilihan parti itu seperti Mohd Azmin Ali, Mohd Zaid Ibrahim dan Abdul Khalid akan menentukan corak kepemimpinan, agenda dan ideologi PKR.

Anwar Lawan Wan Azizah

Azmin pasti cuba mengekalkan status quo dan memperkukuhkan pengaruh dan peranan Anwar manakala Zaid pula nampak mirip kepada merombak kepemimpinan PKR, termasuk mendefinisikan semula kedudukan dan peranan Anwar.

Zaid dilaporkan mempertikai kekaburan kedudukan Anwar yang disifatkannya sebagai tidak boleh mengatasi kuasa presiden (Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail) yang dipilih perwakilan.

Ini menarik respons bekas rakan seperjuangannya dari BN, Chua Jui Meng yang berkata kedudukan Anwar sebagai ketua de facto adalah lebih tinggi.

Bahas ini pastinya sensitif kerana Dr Wan Azizah adalah isteri Anwar dan peranan beliau tidak begitu menonjol dalam PKR, apatah lagilah dalam PR yang didominasi oleh Anwar, Lim Kit Siang, Abdul Hadi Awang, Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat dan Karpal Singh.

Di kalangan parti anggota PR pula, DAP nampaknya lebih selesa dengan Mohd Zaid kerana latar belakangnya sebagai peguam dan bekas menteri BN. Atas alasan itulah DAP memberi sepenuh sokongan kepadanya sebagai pengerusi penaja Pakatan Rakyat.

Dalam PKR, Azmin nampaknya lebih diterima luas oleh kepemimpinan bahagian. Ini terbukti kerana setakat ini dia mendahului Zaid dan calon-calon lain untuk jawatan Timbalan Presiden.

Azmin dilihat sebagai “loyalist” Anwar yang boleh bekerjasama dengan Wan Azizah dan tidak akan menggoyangkan bahtera, apatah lagi menderhaka kepada bosnya.

PKR Sedang Disusupi

Selepas beberapa orang pemuka kanan PKR keluar parti dan sebilangannya menyertai parti-parti BN, pasti wujud kebimbangan di kalangan kepemimpinan asal era reformasi bahawa PKR sedang disusupi oleh anasir-anasir luar yang tidak berjiwa reformasi dan tidak setia kepada Anwar.

Orang luar ini masuk PKR bukan sahaja kerana mereka terpelanting daripada parti-parti BN, tetapi kerana mereka berpendapat PKR adalah buah ranum yang menunggu untuk dipetik.

Oleh kerana itu, keputusan pemilihan yang sedang berjalan sekarang akan menentukan sama ada PKR kekal sebagai parti yang berpaksikan perjuangan reformasi dan ketaatan kepada Anwar atau sebuah parti liberal yang dasar serta komitmennya berubah-ubah mengikut siapa yang menerajuinya dan siapa yang lebih berkuasa.

Perentapan juga sedang berlaku dalam DAP yang menyaksikan perang terbuka antara pengerusi Perak Ngeh Koo Ham dan sepupunya, Nga Kor Ming dengan timbalan pengerusi negeri, M. Kulasegaran.

Portal berita Malaysian Insider melaporkan yang Ngeh terpaksa menanggung malu dengan memohon maaf kepada orang ramai di atas cara beliau mentadbir DAP Perak dan meminta agar dia dan sepupunya tidak diadili.

Serentak itu, parti-parti BN juga sedang melalui masalah dalaman masing-masing. Proses pemulihan Umno terus dihantui oleh masalah kewibawaan kepemimpinan, dasar, program dan cogan kata yang dicurigai dan dipertikai oleh orang Melayu.

Di sesetengah negeri, khasnya di mana BN tewas dalam PRU lalu, Umno ketandusan kepemimpinan dan kemunculan bakat baru terus disabotaj oleh penyandang yang mabuk kuasa.

MCA sudah mula menampakkan kesepaduan suara manakala MIC akan memasuki fasa baru Januari ini apabila S Samy Vellu mengundurkan diri selepas 32 tahun menerajui parti itu.

Tetapi Gerakan nampaknya terus terumbang ambing dan mungkin wujud hanya pada nama setelah dinyahkan dari Pulau Pinang. Kepemimpinannya yang lemah menjadi lebih terancam apabila bekas presiden dan penasihatnya, Lim Keng Yaik meletakkan jawatan kerana kecewa dengan presiden sekarang, Dr Koh Tsu Koon.

Kekalutan dalam parti-parti politik nasional ini, sama ada di pihak BN atau PR, akan memberi kesan kepada pemerintahan dan seterusnya mempengaruhi cara pengundi membuat pilihan pada pilihan raya umum akan datang.

Jika antara sekarang dengan PRU akan datang, parti-parti politik utama tidak memantapkan dasar dan kepemimpinan mereka, pengundi akan mengalami dilema untuk memilih siapa yang akan memerintah di Putrajaya dan di negeri-negeri.

Monday, October 04, 2010

Sunday, October 03, 2010
Dr Mahathir Masuk Hospital Di Australia
A Kadis Jasin

[Komen menggunakan pengenalan anonymous TIDAK AKAN DILAYAN. Sila gunakan nama sebenar atau nama samaran. Jikalau menggunakan anonymous, sila nyatakan nama di penghujung komen. Ulasan yang mengandungi unsur fitnah, hasutan, perkauman dan bahasa kesat tidak akan disiarkan. Ulasan yang terkeluar daripada tajuk tidak akan diberi keutamaan.]

[MUTAKHIR, 3 September] --TUN Dr Mahathir akan berada di hospital di Australia buat beberapa hari lagi walaupun beliau bertindak balas dengan baik kepada rawatan, demikian kata Pegawai Khasnya, Sufi Yusoff.

[Posting Asal]

SEPERTI ramai sudah maklum, bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad dimasukkan ke Hospital Epworth di Melbourne, Australia pagi semalam kerana jangkitan paru-paru.

Menurut Bernama, beliau kini dirawat di wad biasa dan diberikan antibiotik dan menjalani fisioterapi.
“Keadaan Dr Mahathir adalah stabil dan beliau dinasihatkan supaya berehat. Beliau dijangka berada di hospital selama beberapa hari untuk pemantauan,” menurut kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh pejabatnya di Kuala Lumpur.

Dr Mahathir yang disertai isterinya, Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali tiba di Melbourne 1 Oktober untuk berucap di seminar mengenai pembangunan manusia anjuran Kelab Umno Australia Melbourne di Universiti Melbourne yang dijadualkan hari ini.

Sebelum ke Australia, beliau ke Kelantan untuk menyertai majlis hari raya Perkasa dan sebelum itu ke Negeri China untuk melawat sebuah masyarakat Islam di pedalaman negara itu.

Kita doakan dan ucap selamat kepada beliau agar segera sembuh.

Terima kasih.
Posted by A KADIR JASIN at 7:00 AM 25 comments